Friday, August 13, 2010

What does Sadie look like?

So, we've had a lot of comments about what Sadie looked like in her "EEG hat," so we thought we'd make a list of all the things she's been compared to. Here's some cute pics of her with her head all wrapped up:

Here's what we/other people think she looked like, in order from least to most:

5. The abominable snowman.

4. A vacuum cleaner.

3. Bib Fortuna.

2. A Teletubby.

1. A Snork.

What do you think she looks like?


  1. you kill me this is suggeations but rejoice in it and continue laughing....roflmao

  2. A snork, definitly! What what's a snork? At least you can now laugh about it.

  3. My husband had seen a picture from across the room and thought she was an angel with a halo of some sort :) I think Snork is more accurate, but his interpretation was sweet!

  4. Sorry ... I vote for Bib Fortuna. :D

  5. I think she looks like the cute little girl on the cartoon version of the Grinch stole Christmas. Sorry to add another one to the lineup :-)
